Monday, August 19, 2024


“When America sneezes the world catches a cold.”

Picture from Web
Unlike America, in Australia voting in elections is mandatory. We get fined for not at least doing something in the ballot box. To show their disdain for the selection of candidates, some “voters” have been known to draw rude pictures on the ballot paper rather than vote for anyone. In a way, I suppose this is much the same as staying away from the ballot box – just like many Christians do in America. I’m sure I saw the number estimated around 25,000,000 stay aways. And I'm sure I saw at least one Christian online or somewhere who wanted to try to do something about this. He/she wanted to raise the number to 125,000,000 or something! What in the Sam Hill is going on in America?

Will American Christian “stay aways” inflict a severe cold on Australia simple because Paul the Apostle is not running this year? Some genius somewhere actually thinks that voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil! Why wouldn’t anyone vote for less evil? Let’s see, we can either vote that Australia gets a deadly case of pneumonia and probably dies or just a bit of a cold.

What happened to loving God and your neighbour as yourself? Why would you inflict further chaos on your own country and the rest world just because none of the Apostles are running for president? Haven’t you American Christians, like the rest of us, had enough with all the rammed down your throat antichristian Woke agenda? Green New Deals? Etc.? Then vote out the lot that are less “Christian” and vote in the lot that are more “Christian.” No, the Apostle Paul is not on the ballot. So what if maybe Western nations have broken the Solemn League and Covenant or whatever? How is an American Christian not voting going to help anything?

It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man” (Psa. 118:8). Part of trusting in the Lord and not putting confidence in man is getting off your couch and doing something, yes, something right, right for you and for your neighbour - even as far away as Australia. To help save the rest of us from the total collapse of our countries, dear brother and sister Christians, please vote!    

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