Thursday, August 15, 2024

THE KINGDOM Every Square Inch (Release)

 Out now on in paperback Amazon!

“The Kingdom Every Square Inch” is divided in three parts,
* The Kingdom Defined,
* Living in the Kingdom,
* The Kingdom Coming.
Different views on the ‘The Kingdom’ are presented, more so the Two Kingdom idea. Although the authors are not academics, the book is not void of deep theological discussions. It is presented in such a way that every Christian would benefit from reading it. In 500+ pages the authors discuss subjects like:
* The Groaning Kingdom
* The Flood
* Common Grace and Providence
* Jesus Christ, the King
* The Static Kingdom (the already)
* The Dynamic Kingdom (the not yet)
* The advancement of the Kingdom (the ‘kingdom’ parables)
* The Church within the Kingdom
* The Civil Magistrate
* Counterfeit Kingdom
* The spheres of God’s rule
* The subjects of God’s rule
* The Structures of God’s rule
* The Significance of God’s rule
* Kingdom Law
* The Kingdom and baptising the nations
* A new heaven and a new earth
* Thy Kingdom Come
* The Kingdom of the Son of God’s love
* The Consummated Kingdom
The book is well documented with an extensive list of researched resources.

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