Wednesday, July 22, 2020

I BELIEVE! The Apostles' Creed

Out now also in paperback. Please don't trample each other in your rush to purchase your copy of my book...

A river runs through the valley. The River Leven (pictured) takes the waters of Loch Lomond to the north and deposits them into the River Clyde at Dumbarton some five or so miles to the south. Neil Cullan McKinlay grew up in the beautiful Vale of Leven.

The word ‘Creed’ comes from the Lati
n ‘credo’ which simply means ‘I believe’. All words have meanings and histories. Like everything else, as far as words are concerned, context is most important. Therefore, the words of the Apostles’ Creed ought to be read in their proper context.

The historical context is not that the Apostles’ formulated this creed, but rather that the early Church Fathers formulated it in accordance with the teaching of the Apostles as recorded in Scripture. Therefore, the Apostles’ Creed is a brief statement of what the Bible says about God, Christ, the redemption He provided, and redemption’s access and application.
Neil Cullan McKinlay will take you through the Creed line by line, holding your attention by discussing and explaining where its teachings are found in the Bible.

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