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God has been kind. Wokeism has been
defeated by the ballot box. We can now talk freely once again. We can agree to
disagree with the Left and their Political Correctness without them shouting us
down with all their Saul Alinsky demonising tactics. They may continue to call
us racist, Islamophobic, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic names, but,
because they have been sprung, their Neo-Marxist catcalling now falls on deaf
ears. The world has awakened to them and their destructive strategies. The
rebuilding has begun.
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The Serpent’s head was crushed by the Seed
of the woman at Calvary. The war against evil has been won by Christ and the
weapon of His cross. America and the West had forgotten this. The purveyors of
Wokeism are like those jungle fighters of WWII that didn’t know the war was
over. Peace has broken out once again. The Prince of Peace has won the day. Lay
down your arms and bow the knee to the Saviour of sinners, swear allegiance to Him and go and sin no more.
Trump and the Trinity means that he and the
Republican Party, at the federal level, have won back the State. The State is
not the Nation but is only one important aspect thereof.
The following is excerpted from a book
which I coauthored with D Rudi Schwartz called The Kingdom: Every Square
Inch. If there are two main Bible teachings that many Christians don’t seem
to know much about, they are Politics and the Trinity. Many Christians detach Politics
from Christianity and, along with this, they also detach Western culture and civilization
from the Trinity. The error here is in the misunderstanding and misapplication
of the separation of Church and State, which in turn was left wide-open to become the Leftist mantra of the separation of
God and State. See where Trump and the Trinity come in in the following:
Christians ought to seek to advance the Kingdom of Christ only in accordance with God’s design (Gen. 1:26-28; 9:9:1-7; Exod. 20:1-17; Rom. 13:1-7). When it comes to nations, State Constitutions must be shaped by natural law, but need to be illuminated by the light of Scripture, especially the Ten Commandments and their ‘general equity’ applications as exemplified throughout the whole of God’s Word.
‘Sphere sovereignty’ or, as it is sometimes
known by its apt description, ‘differentiated responsibility’, is a reflection
of the Trinity seen in creation in the light of Scripture. Thus, the Scriptures
must be studied if we are to arrive at a proper understanding of what a nation
is, and how God would have that nation function.
If the doctrine of the ontological Trinity were expressed in human terms as a nation, then
Family, Church, and State would interact and interpenetrate each other while
each would remain sovereign in its own sphere of function. In other words, as
are members of the Family, so are members of the Church and members of the
State; all are members of the one nation. Like each Person in the Trinity being
distinct from the Others yet all are one, it is the same for the three main
pillars of the nation…
Redemption has to do with what Christ has
redeemed, as in purchased, bought back. To leave the State operating according
to natural law in terms of common grace, when Christ has commissioned
Christians to teach the nations to obey His law, is to be disobedient, even
cruel. For example, State-sanctioned abortion on demand is infanticide. What
Christian in their right mind would approve of this? It boggles the mind to
think that there are Christians who believe that Christ has left places in
nations where Satan and those he has blinded can hide. No! Every square inch
belongs to the King.
The State owns the sword of justice and, as
such, is Christ’s minister for justice. It exists to promote good and punish
evil, therefore, it is a religious
entity. It reflects aspects of Adam’s role in the garden, i.e., “to
cultivate and to keep it.” In this way the State exemplifies the biblical
concept that culture is religion externalised. Even though it wields the
instrument of death, the State is to cultivate life in its nation. Thus, why
the State needs also the light of Scripture. The punishment must fit the crime
and not go beyond it. An “eye for eye” means equitable compensation for the victim, and not a life for an eye
(Exod. 21:24; Lev. 24:17-22; see also where Jesus corrects the greedy abuse of
the law of compensation, Mat. 5:38-42).
The Church owns the sword of the Spirit,
yes, with the keys of the Kingdom. Just as a screwdriver or other such
implement can be used to prise the lid off a paint can, so the sword of the
Spirit can and must be used to lift the lid off the State’s suppression of the
truth (Rom. 1:18) so that even the State is without excuse for ignoring God. “For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal
power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the
creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without
excuse” (Rom. 1:20 ESV)…
It needs to be noted, a) that hints of the ontological Trinity can be
seen in natural law, glimpses of the Creator and Redeemer God which the
unredeemed suppress in unrighteousness, and b) because Two Kingdom Theology
eschews sphere sovereignty, wherever this aberrant form of (R2K) theology is to
the fore, sooner or later the State will be seen pushing its foot in the door
of the family home, and eventually marching in and trampling underfoot the
God-given rights of Family. The Church, likewise, will be persecuted by unlawful
State intrusion. The implementation of sphere sovereignty (by the Spirit with
His Word changing hearts) will guard against this. Thus, and therefore, to
advance the Kingdom, we are to take Christ’s gospel and law to the nations as
per the King’s Great Commission.
function of the State is to serve and protect the nation, i.e., its people and
its borders. The State is its guardian. To withhold the fruits of Christ’s
redemption from the State is akin to suppressing the real reason for its
existence, and it puts that nation in jeopardy of God’s covenantal judgment
upon disobedience. Like the Family and the Church, in any nation, the State
exists to glorify God. We hear echoes of God’s covenant promise
to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 in the following, “For the nation and kingdom
which will not serve you shall perish, and those nations shall be
utterly ruined” (Isa. 60:12; Zech. 14:17; Rev.
21:24). Here is one of those places that unites those purveyors of dualism such
as Dispensationalism with its nation destroying separation of the people of Old Testament Israel with the New Testament
Church, and Two Kingdom Theology with its sacred and secular division between
Church and State. For the Dispensationalist, the Church is
that spiritual entity that is going to be ‘raptured’ off the planet earth so
that the Lord can once again get back to working with His so called ‘chosen
people’ in the modern-day nation of Israel – as if the Church is not made up of
His chosen people, both Jew and Gentile! (Gal. 3:26-29). Yes, Christians are
Abraham’s offspring.
Dispensationalism has a faulty view of
the Church, and Two Kingdom Theology
has a faulty view of the State. However, they are united in their over
spiritualising of the Church to the point that the blessings of God given to
Abraham and his seed remain hidden from the nations, hidden behind the Church’s
four walls. Here we see the difference between Church and Kingdom. Christ has one people, His Church. And He has one Kingdom, the good news and blessings
of which are to be spread to every nation by the Church. Family, Church, and
State are the three main pillars that support every nation. Get between or
remove any one of these three pillars (through Rapture Theology or Two Kingdom
Theology) and that nation is in grave danger of perishing. Two Kingdom Theology
weakens the pillar of the State by withholding from it the spectacles of
When we study the Mona Lisa, our eyes
are always drawn to the centre of her face, her nose, with the intriguing smile
underneath and above are those hypnotic eyes that follow you around the room. Natural grace, as it were, leaves you wondering if Da Vinci
designed things that way. Particular grace, so to speak, explains the Fibonacci
Sequence to you and how Da Vinci used this mathematical wonder of God’s
creation, the “Golden Ratio”. From nautilus shells to violins to music to oil
paintings, God receives His glory only when His designs in creation are
utilised and He is acknowledged for them.
God has designed the State, in its own
sphere of function and operation, to serve and protect the nation and every
lawful sphere thereof that operates therein. To the glory of the Triune
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