Shorter Catechism 5
Are there more Gods than one?
Ans. There is but One only, the
living and true God.
One God
It may
seem strange to claim that there is only one God. However, people have been
making gods since Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden. The Greeks and
the Romans had a Pantheon of gods. The Romans just gave new names to a lot of
the old Greek gods. E.g., they renamed Neptune, their god of the sea, Poseidon.
The Norse people, such as the Vikings, worshipped many gods.![]( |
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Some of
the days of the week are named after some of the gods of the Teutons. Sunday
is named after the sun, Monday, after the moon. Tuesday is named
after Tiw, Wednesday after Woden, Thursday after Thor.
Friday after Frigg or Fria, a Norse goddess of love. And Saturday
was called Sater-daeg by the Anglo-Saxons, after the Roman god Saturn.
And, we shouldn’t really wonder why the days of the week are named after
Teutonic gods, since English is the most widely spoken of the Teutonic or
Germanic languages.
Now, I
mention all of this, to remind you that we, in Western society, are surrounded
by reminders of the many, many gods of the pagans. It’s not just in the
mystical Eastern religions such as Hinduism that many gods are found, but
traces of many gods are right under our own noses.
regardless of the many, many gods of the pagans, the Bible reveals that there
is but One God only. E.g., the Lord through His Prophet Isaiah says to His
people in Isaiah 45:5, “I am the LORD, and there is no other; there is no God
beside Me.” Then in verses 6 and 7 the LORD identifies Himself as the
Creator, “I am the LORD, and there is no other; I form the light and create
darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the LORD, do all these things.”
In verse 12 He says, “I have made the earth, and created man on it. It was I –
My hands that stretched out the heavens, and all their host I have commanded.” The
end of verse 14 says, “…There is no other God.” Then He says in verse 18, “For
thus says the LORD, who created the heavens, who is God, who formed the earth
and made it, who established it, who did not create it in vain, who formed it
to be inhabited: I am the LORD, and there is no other.” And finally in
verse 22 the LORD says, “Look at Me, and be saved, all you ends of the
earth! For I am God, and there is no other.”
So, even
from this one chapter of Scripture, i.e., Isaiah 45, we see that there is only
One God. And we see that this one God is no “local” or “localized deity.” This
One God is stating that He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth.
Therefore, what does this make your Neptunes and your Poseidons? I mean,
these pagan gods are supposed to rule the seas and such like! But this One God
who reveals Himself in Scriptures claims to have made the seas. As His people
said in Nehemiah. 6:6, “You alone are the LORD; You have made heaven, the
heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth and all things on it, the
seas and all that is in them, and You preserve them all. The host of heaven
worships You.”
So, one
can only wonder why some folks allege that the Christian’s God is just one God
among many. Right from the very outset of the Bible, right from the very first
verse God demonstrates His uniqueness. For, it says in Genesis 1:1, “In the
beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” So how can God possibly be
only one god among many when He says Himself that there is no other god?
And how
can He be one god among many when He alone is the Creator of all things.
Therefore, even if there were such things as other gods, God would still be
God. For these other gods would owe their very existence to the One living and
true God. So, to claim that the God who has revealed Himself through the
Scriptures is anything like the pagan deities is clearly blasphemous. It’s to
break the first table of God’s Law, and the 1st Commandment in
God means
it when He says to Mankind, “You shall have no other gods before Me.” (Exod.
20:3). He’s not just saying this to Christians. He’s not just saying,
“Christians, have no other gods but Me. But as for the rest of you, you can
have as many other gods as you like!” No, there is only One God, the source of
all life, and He is the only true object of worship.
It’s as
the Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 8:4-6, “…there is no other God but one.
For even if there are so called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as there
are many gods and many lords), yet for us there is only one God, the Father, of
whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ…”
So, for
Christians there is indeed only one living and true God. However, for the
non-Christian, there are any number of ‘so-called gods’ as Paul calls them.
These gods, so-called, do not exist, they are idols, i.e., false gods. They
exist only in the mind of fallen man whose “…heart is a factory of
idols”, says Calvin. However, we should note, just in passing, that Satan and
his demons are behind many of these so-called gods. But just before we move on,
we need to consider the oneness of God in and of Himself.
Now, I
know I’m not alone here, but whenever I try to contemplate the Being and nature
of God my head begins to hurt! But what else should you expect when you think
about the Infinite, Eternal and Unchangeable One? But this shouldn't deter or
stop us. We need to keep on striving to gain deeper knowledge of our God. For
how else are we to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever if we don’t know much
about Him?
forefathers referred to a piece of Scripture as the “Shema.” The Shema is the
first word in a passage of Scripture found in Deuteronomy 6. “Shema” is the
Hebrew word for “Hear!” The Shema begins in Deuteronomy 6:4: where the Lord
says through His Prophet Moses, “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is
it’s, “Hear Israel, Jehovah our Elohim, is one Jehovah.” “Elohim”, the Hebrew
word translated “God” is a plural word, as you know. It’s not a singular word,
nor is it a dual word as you find in the Hebrew language. Rather “Elohim” when
it refers to God, is a plural word meaning at least three Persons who are that
One God.
Yet, elohim
is also the Hebrew word for “gods” plural. You’d see this if you were to look
at, say, Psalm 136:2, e.g. There you’d read these words: “Oh, give thanks to
the God of gods.” The God of gods is literally the Elohim of
elohim. So, we need to hang on to what God is telling us. He is telling us,
as we’ve seen, that He alone is God, i.e., Elohim. Yet God is, as we
know from Scripture, a plurality of persons, triune, i.e., the Trinity. So,
with all of this in mind, the Shema teaches us that, Jehovah, while being a
plurality of persons, is at the same time only One Jehovah. (Jehovah or
Yahweh are simply English pronunciations of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton YHWH).
The Hebrew word ‘one’ in the Shema, ‘ehad’ speaks of the unity or
oneness, or singleness, or uniqueness of God.
So we see
in the Shema of Deuteronomy 6:4, then, clear indication of the oneness
and the manyness of God, or the unity and the diversity
of God. Therefore, God is not one god among many. Rather He is the One
and the Many, the Triune God. For God the LORD is the united One.
But the main
emphasis of the Shema is the declaration that there is only one God. And
we’re considering Westminster Shorter Catechism Q&A 5, which deals with the
Oneness or Uniqueness of God. However, Westminster Shorter Catechism
Q&A 6 deals with the doctrine of the Trinity. Therefore, we'll hold off
till the next Q&A before we really study the Triuneness of God. But for
now, we’ve seen then that there is One God only, and that this God is One.
One Giver
of Life
Catechism says that He is the Living God. By Living God is meant that He
alone is the one and only God who is alive. Our God is the one and only God
there is in existence. All other gods are mere inventions of the fallen
and fertile imaginations of men.
God, then
is the one and only God living. And because He is the only God living,
He is the only God able to give life and sustain and maintain it. That’s why
Isaiah says, “O God of Israel, the Saviour” (Isa. 45:15b). That’s
why God says in Isaiah 45:22, “Look to Me, and be saved, all you ends of the
earth! For I am God, and there is no other.”
Living God gives life – He saves life from death. He alone is the Creator. And
He alone is the Sustainer of His creation. He alone is its Saviour. Therefore,
He is unique in that all things depend upon Him for their being and existence.
It’s as the Apostle Paul said to the Athenians, “…In Him we live and move and
have our being” (Acts 17:28b). So, all creatures, including you and me, owe our
existence to God. Therefore, He alone is God and worthy of our worship. For He
alone is the life giver.
people claim that there would be no life on earth, were it not for the sun in
the sky. If by this they mean that without the sun the plants wouldn’t grow and
without this source of food we’d starve, then fair enough. We all heard about
photosynthesis and chlorophyll and all of that at school. We heard how God has
designed plants to convert carbon dioxide, etc, to carbohydrates, by use of
your school neglected its moral obligation to teach you about the Creator's
sovereign control of it all? If this is the case, then you would have been left
with the impression that the sun is god. For god is that to which all living
things owe their existence. Therefore, if the sun fits the bill, then the sun
must be god!
got its name from the pagan Romans. It was a holiday to them, it was called dies
solis, meaning ‘sun’s day.’ The ancient Egyptians would worship the sun, or
the sun-god Ra or Re. Ra was usually represented as the creator
and controller of the universe. And what’s the difference between this and what
the modern-day Naturalist teaches? Don’t both the ancient Egyptian and today’s
Evolutionist teach that the sun is the source of all life? However, they both
see the need to add water to their pantheon of gods. The Modern Naturalist
doesn’t believe that life can exist without water. And the Ancient Egyptian
placed much of his hope on the god of the River Nile. Mind you, the One Living
and True God demonstrated to the Ancient Egyptians that all their gods were
false gods. Jehovah Elohim proved to them that He is the God of gods – Elohim
of elohim – by sending them the Ten Plagues, didn't He?
If you
look into it, each of those plagues paralleled ten Ancient Egyptian gods. E.g.,
when God turned the Nile to blood, He demonstrated that their god of the Nile
had no control over the River Nile. And in the final plague, the death of the
firstborn, God demonstrated that Pharaoh himself is no god in that he couldn’t
even preserve the life of his own son!
Yet the
Ancient Egyptians worshipped their Pharaohs as gods! So, the Ancient Egyptians
kept on ignoring the revelation of the only living and true God, given to them
by God through Moses and Aaron, and they paid the price of their unbelief. And
alas, it’s the same for the modern-day Darwinists, Naturalists, and
Evolutionists. They insist on ignoring or attacking the revelation God has
given them through the Scriptures. And they and their children and all those
whom they teach continue to perish in their sins, as did their fellow
unrepentant Ancient Egyptians.
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When you
think about it, God also trumped Poseidon and Neptune when He drowned the whole
Egyptian army in the Red Sea! But there remains hope in the One Living and True
God for all those who will turn to Him for life. For He alone is the
giver of life – He alone is Saviour.Neither
the sun, the moon, the stars, nor the water are the givers of life. Neither is
the earth, the wind, or the fire the givers of life. And yet people in all
times have looked upon these things as if they were gods. As Paul the Apostle
says, “…[they] exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served
the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen” (Rom.
1:25; cf. Josh 34:2, 14-16).
Yes, we
are to love and respect God’s creation. But we are not to worship it or any
part or parts of it. We are to worship the One Living and True God alone.
Object of Worship
Now, much
of the “Greenie Movement” we see today is guilty of creature worship, which is
to say that many of them are making gods out of the flora and fauna of the planet
Earth. Indeed, many of them refer to Earth itself as ‘Gaia’.
Now, to
be sure, not everything about the Greenie Movement is bad news. Christians
should have a lot of time for people who care about and for God’s creation.
However, we do part company when it comes to the question of ownership. Whose Earth
is it? And who is the Creator and Sustainer of life on this planet? Well, it’s
not Gaia, is it? To the Ancient Greeks and to many Greenies today, Gaia was and
is the personification of what people refer to as “Mother Earth” and “Mother Nature”.
Perhaps you think of these appellations are merely poetic? However, neither
Earth nor Nature are our “Mother”. The Triune God alone is Creator, Redeemer,
and Sustainer. “For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom
be glory forever. Amen” (Rom. 11:32).
Now then,
modern Naturalism was the natural development of Deism. The Deistic view of God
is that after He created the universe and set it everything in motion, He left
His creation to evolve or develop on its own without His interaction or
interference. The Deistic view of the earth is one that is detached from God.
Hence the Deist started talking about nature apart from God. He would describe
the mechanics of the earth, the seasons, the sun, rain, wind, the life and
death of earthly creatures as “Mother Nature” caring for and nurturing her
charge. “Mother Nature,” and “Mother Earth,” are personifications of the
creation, especially the earth and the seen and usneen forces acting upon it.
Modern Naturalist went the next step or even a few steps further than his
father the Deist. Like the Deist the Naturalist doesn’t believe that God
interacts with His creation. But more than that, He doesn't even acknowledge
that God ever was the Creator! The Modern Naturalist believes only in blind
chance, and blind forces, “the forces of nature”. Perhaps he is even loath to
speak in terms of Mother Earth or Mother Nature lest he betray even a hint of
the One Living and True God in his vocabulary.
consistent Naturalist speaks only of Nature. To him Nature is cold and
heartless. To him the universe is an environment of blind physical
forces and genetic replication, without any rhyme or reason. There’s no such
thing as absolute justice in the Naturalist’s universe. For he believes it has
no design, no purpose, no evil and no other good. He sees Creation – no he
wouldn’t be caught dead calling it Creation – he believes that the universe is
just a place of blind, pitiless indifference. The god of the Naturalist then,
is simply Time and Chance. For he attributes being and existence to
these, (hough he wouldn’t necessarily refer to “time and chance” as god).
Naturalist and those like him are spoken of in Psalm 14, “The fool has said in
his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, they have done abominable
works, there is none who does good. The LORD looks down from heaven upon the
children of men, to see if there are any who understand, who seek God. They
have all turned aside, they have together become corrupt; there is none who
does good, no, not one” (Psa. 14:1-3).
So, what
do the Deists who believe in a god who is indifferent and uncaring toward his
Creation, and their offspring, the Naturalists have in common? Well, they both
believe that the universe and this earth is devoid of God.
And what
do they have in common with those Greenies? Well, they all deny the existence
of the One Living and True God. Therefore, they deny Him the worship He is due
from them as creatures toward Him who is their Creator. And hasn’t God already
demonstrated to those who worship Mother Earth that they are wrong? And hasn’t
He demonstrated to those who deny that He acts upon, or interacts, or has ever
interacted with His creation, that they are wrong? For didn’t God send a flood
in Noah’s day upon every creature on earth with the breath of life in it –
apart from those in the ark?
The One
Living and True God drowned Mother Nature or Gaia, just as He did to the
ancient Egyptian army under Pharaoh in the Red Sea. You bet that God interacts
with His creation! And, as the Apostle says in Acts 17, “Truly, these times of
ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent,
because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in
righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance to all by
raising Him from the dead” (Acts 17:30-31).
Yes, it’s
a good thing to love the earth and the flora and fauna on it. The Deists do;
the Naturalists do; the Greenies do; and so do all consistent Christians. And
doesn’t Scripture say, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have
everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the
world, but that the world through Him might be saved” (John 3:16-17).
So, God
then, loves His creation and He loves the creatures He has made. Otherwise, He
wouldn’t have sent His Son to die in order to redeem it. But when it comes to
every non-Christian, the words Jesus spoke to the woman at the well stand true,
“You worship what you do not know … but the hour is coming, and now is, when
the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father
is seeking such to worship Him” (John 4:22-23).
We ought
to thank God that He, by His grace, sought us to worship Him. For, were it not
for His grace we too would be worshiping the non-gods of the non-Christians. We
too would be worshiping the creation and not the Creator (Rom. 1:25).
So, pray
for their conversion, pray that God would be merciful to them and grant them
repentance. He was merciful to us! For, there is indeed coming a great Day of
Listen to
the words of His Prophet Jeremiah, “The LORD is the true God; He is the living
God and the everlasting King. At His wrath the earth will tremble, and the
nations will not abide His indignation. Thus you shall say to them: ‘The gods
that have not made the heavens and the earth shall perish from the earth, and
from under the heavens” (Jer. 10:10-11).
therefore, that the people do not perish along with their gods. But rather that
they repent and believe in the Gospel, and thus worship the One Living and True