I love that place
where Jesus says, “Come to me,
all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt.
11:28). Isn’t this a piece of good news for anyone humble enough to admit that
life is a struggle? Here is someone willing to carry the weight of your
baggage, and even go that extra mile with it! This is the calm that is in the
midst of the chaos, the oil that is on the troubled waters. This is a load off
your mind. This is the gospel!
Oh sure, for the gospel to be the proper gospel it needs to
be about Jesus dying on the cross, and then rising from the dead. But what does
the gospel mean? What does it mean to me and to you? To ordinary people? Well,
in short, it means peace and rest from life’s labors.
Much like refugees on foot fleeing from a war zone with their
whole life’s possessions in a single suitcase, we wonder where to turn, and who
to turn to. Peter sums up our plight best where he says, “Lord, to whom shall
we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). So, we approach
the Prince of Peace and listen to His words of life. The gospel.
What are those precious things that we hurriedly pack into
our suitcases? Photos of loved ones? A change of clothes? Toiletries? But what is
it that makes our bags feel so heavy? Is it perhaps all those idols we carry
around with us? Are we not like Rachel? “Now Rachel had taken the household
gods and put them in the camel’s saddle and sat on them” (Gen 31:34a). To our
own detriment, we try to hide our sins by sitting on them instead of simply confessing
them. “Whoever conceals his transgressions will not
prosper, but he
who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy” (Prov. 28:13).
Life’s luggage loses weight when we leave our
idols of sin behind and forget all about them. It is only then that our energy
is renewed. And it is then that we discover how light a clear conscience is.
For this is what it is like to know personally the mercy of God’s
forgiveness. There’s that gospel again. Yes, the gospel is simple, yet it is
profound. Jesus tells us to repent and believe in the gospel, i.e., to turn our
backs on our sins by turning to face Him as He is revealed in the Bible.
How did I know where to lay down my load which gave me calm in all the chaos, life in the midst of decay, living water for my dried-up soul, spiritual food for my dead spirit, forgiveness for my sins? My burden had become too hard to bear. But I had heard about Jesus, so, as His Spirit enabled, I begged Him to lift life’s luggage from me. Yes, I had heard the gospel. And now like the proverbial beggar telling every other beggar where to find bread, I want everyone to know where to find Jesus, the Bread of Life.
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