Monday, April 20, 2020


My paperback version is now out on Amazon. (Kindle version also available.).

This booklet grew out of a challenge from my sister-in-law, Elizabeth, for me to present some Gospel messages in video form. I had been complaining that people, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic over Easter 2020, were asking for bread, but some preachers seemed to be feeding them stones. I had to put my money where my mouth was. Balancing my iPad on a cardboard wine box, I used it to film some sermonettes. Hence, the use of Wine Box in the title. Simply running with an idea, all were virtually extempore. However, I have since transcribed those “gospelettes”, and have accompanied them with other uplifting messages. Therefore, throw away the stones, and feed on Jesus, the Bread of Life. 

“From the Wine Box to having a Bede in you: Here to hand I have a book capturing the essence of life on many levels, a snapshot of our times. Its arrival is evocative of another measure of moments, conjuring as it does the swift sparrow of the pensive old Venerable Bede. Rather than the venerable quill poised over precious vellum though, here we have in parallel lives the action of a man and a woman speaking first on WhatsApp and then pressing buttons to produce a paperback book available throughout the world. From scriptorium to screen, the same constancy of message, from Bede chewing his quill to Neil punching his computer, from Bede to Liz to Neil even, from parchment to paperback; we may be reduced again to the boundaries of our dusty villages, but the Truth will out. Venerable even in vulnerablity. “Unfurl the sails” wrote Bede a mere 1300 years ago, “and let God steer us where He will.” Stuart McKinlay


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