I guess the term “Climate Change” is a
lot more encompassing (if not more accurate) than ye olde “Global Warming”. For example, if the January temperature
at the corner of Portage and Main in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada drops anywhere
below the usual minus 40-degrees then it safely can be attributed to “Climate
Change”. Brilliant!
Mind you, now that I’m on to “their” scheming
(as alluded to in “their” spin-doctoring use of terminology) I’m cooling
somewhat in regard to “their” notion of “Global Warming”. And then came “Climategate”
with their misuse of (ice) hockey-stick graphs.
No doubt the Climate Status Quo deniers
and sceptics will see the East Anglia University e-mails as inadmissible
evidence in this whole so-called scientific debacle regarding the earth’s mean climate.
But regardless of how the irrefutable evidence was obtained, it was the smoking
gun that killed the whole idea of Global Warming for me!
One Tim Flannery is an Australian
“Climate Change” prophet of Doom. Yet none of his wild and fantastical “prophesies”
(no more rain, rapidly rising sea-levels etc.) have come to pass. Old Testament
prophets were to be stoned to death if any of their prognostications
failed to materialise! Says an article in The Australian (note the year
referred to),
Tim Flannery, The
Age, Oct 28, 2006, “There will be no Arctic icecap in the next five to 15 years
… James Hanson, director of NASA’s Goddard Institution, is arguably the world
authority on climate change. He predicts that we have just a decade to avert a
25m rise of the sea.”[1]
Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but names will never hurt me! (I know, I know that the PC crowd actually
believe that calling people names does indeed hurt, otherwise they wouldn’t be
calling non-Lefties “Nazi! Hitler! Fascist! Misogynist! Islamophobic! Homophobe!
Bigot! etc., etc., etc. However, before anyone calls me a “Climate Denier”
(which sadly, in the minds of the Global Alarmists) is right up there with
denying the Jewish Holocaust, I believe that the global temperature may be
warming slightly. Is this slight warming caused by solar flares or burning
fossil fuels or both? What difference does it make? Anything that we try to do
about it has been proven to be negligible. This is one of the reasons why
President Trump has pulled the USA out of the “Paris Agreement”.
“Climate Change” scientists using data
to make it say whatever they want it to say? This is right up there with that
other great “scientific” sleight of hand, i.e., the molecules to man Theory of
Evolution! The latter was and still is the slippery slope to the former.
Okay, so you may disagree with the
connection I’m drawing between the “sciences” of Evolutionary Theory and that
of Climate Change Theory, but both are desperate to make their “evidence” fit
their pet theories. That’s unscientific in my book, (and in anyone's book!)
Back in the day Britain’s Prime
Minister, Gordon Brown was calling those scientists who have not jumped on the
“Global Warming” bandwagon, “Flat Earthers”. O yeah! Sticks and stones may
break my bones… But this also was and still is unscientific. One should not mix
Leftist politics with science.
It seems to me that two things were
going on. It was being touted as a fact that
the global temperature was increasing
the (supposed) global warming is manmade.
It’s unscientific to call theories
facts. It’s also unscientific to ban peer reviews of those who disagree with
the theory, (as is the case in regard to the molecules to man Theory of
Evolution and now with the Theory of Climate Change).
Like BBC Scotland being the propaganda
department of the British Establishment, as exampled in spinning its
anti-Independence “fake news” during the Scottish Referendum debate, so the ABC
(Australian Broadcasting Corporation) is the propaganda wing for the Left Down
Under. It’s tax-payer funded TV, Radio and online “news and discussions”
programs are always about Lefties discussing and perhaps sometimes even disagreeing
with other Lefties about issues that only Lefties see as important, such as
Climate Change, the effect of Climate Change on the Great Barrier Reef, LGBQI
etc. The ABC’s anti-Trump bias is embarrassing! But I digress, yet again.
Oh well, as I was with the “Global
Cooling” fearmongering in the 70s, I was nearly warming to the idea of “Global
Warming” (but still had a long way to go to embrace the idea that it was man
made and that anything we can do will have any meaningful impact on its
reduction). But that’s all fallen by the wayside now. I’m now of the view that
it’s all a big hoax. It’s mostly about wealth redistribution, as in Socialism!
Is your country going to be swamped by rising sea-levels caused by Climate
Change? Here! Have some of our nation’s worker’s hard-earned cash which we’ve
relieved them of by unfair taxes, such as, taxes on carbon, breathing even! And
if any of our taxpayers disagree with our Socialist ideals we’ll just call them
names. That will shut then up!
The issue of global warming is probably
settled. The issue that it is manmade is still moot.
At the same time as people in hi-vis
“yellow vests” were rioting in the streets of Paris over French President
Macron’s draconian “Carbon Tax”, which is due to his adherence to the “Paris
Accord”, at the UN’s Climate Change Summit in Katowice, Poland (November 2018),
David Attenborough was saying,
If we don’t take
action, the collapse of our civilsations and the extinction of much of the
natural world is on the horizon… Right now we are facing a man-made disaster of
global scale, our greatest threat in thousands of years: climate change.[2]
Talk about scaring the kids! While all of
this was going on, there were teachers who allowed their classes to attend a
protest instead of school. On Friday, 30 November, 2018, these scared kids
gathered in Brisbane city. Says ABC News in an article,
Thousands of
Australian students have defied calls by the Prime Minister to stay in school
and instead marched on the nation’s capital cities, and some regional centre,
demanding an end to political inertia on climate change. Protests were held in
Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Coffs Harbour, Bendigo and other cities, as students banded
together to pressure the Morrison Government in the lead-up to a federal
election. “The politicians aren’t listening to us when we try to act nicely for
what we want and for what we need,” said Castlemaine student Harriet O’Shea
Carre. “So now we have to go to extreme lengths and miss out school.”[3]
Do you hear that music playing in
the background? It’s Pink Floyd,
We don’t need no education
don’t need no thought control
dark sarcasm in the classroom
leave them, kids, alone
teacher! Leave them, kids, alone!
in all, it’s just another brick in the wall
in all, you’re just another brick in the wall[4]
So, at the same time there was one lot
protesting their President’s unwavering adherence to “The Paris Agreement”, we
see another lot protesting their Prime Minister for not adhering to it enough!
Who is right? Well, President Trump for pulling the U.S. out of the agreement. The
Climate Change protests are all about unfair taxes. Macron listened to the
Paris people who did not want the Paris Accord because it results in higher
taxes, such as the fuel tax he tried to inflict on them. He reneged.
Purchase my eBook at:
[1] The Australian, Nov 28, 2018.
[2] Evening Standard (on-line), 04
December, 2018.
[3] ABC News (on-line), Friday 30 Nov
Roger Waters
& David Gilmour, Pink Floyd, Another Brick in the Wall.
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