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Coal River and Richmond Bridge (1825), Tasmania |
frae my mither’s womb I fell,
might hae plungèd me in hell,
gnash my gums, to weep and wail,
damnèd devils roar and yell,
to their stakes…
Do Calvinists
really believe that any dying infants go to Hell? Surely all Christians who
have suffered the loss of an infant or a little child believe that the Bible
gives ample comfort that they will see them again in glory. The 1619 Canons of
Dort in Article 1:17 sums up what Calvinists believe regarding their own
children who die infancy:
Since we are to judge the will of God
from His Word, which testifies that the children of believers are holy, not by
nature, but in virtue of the covenant of grace, in which they together with the
parents are comprehended, godly parents have no reason to doubt of the election
and salvation of their children whom it pleaseth God to call out of this life
in their infancy.
Holy Willie
is William Fisher (1737-1809). He was an elder in the Mauchline Kirk Session.
His body lies buried in Ochiltree cemetery. Therefore he was not just some
windmill in Burn’s mind that he tilted at because of what he perceived to be
Fisher’s hypocrisy. It would seem (at least according to the words Burns put in
his mouth) that Fisher disagreed with Article 1:17 quoted above.
Fisher is not
alone, for some still hold that there have been infants who have died and gone
to Hell. Not only that, they add contempt to their objection to the Calvinist
view, by alleging that it promotes infanticide! Their reasoning is that it
promotes the idea that parents can ensure their children’s election and
salvation simply by murdering them or having someone else do it! But, if
Article 1:17 of the Canons of Dort is a true statement of Scriptural doctrine,
then those who object to it stand in danger of accusing God of promoting the
murder of infants, including abortion!
The onus of
proof on those who believe that there have been any who have died in infancy
and gone to Hell, is to demonstrate their doctrine from Scripture. But know
that no Reformed Confession states this contrary position. Even though it is
the sovereign Almighty God who holds our breath in His hand, even though it is
He who gives us length of days, all murderers, including all abortionists, are
held accountable to God for their actions. Hell is a real place awaiting such
unrepentant sinners.
We believe therefore
that Christians whose children die in infancy have no reason to doubt that
their children are with the Lord awaiting them. But does the Bible provide any
hope for infants dying outside of the covenant community of God? We believe
that the Bible gives probable hope that all who die in infancy
are saved, and if so, are saved by the grace of God alone.
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Actually, *lots* of Calvinists believe that some dying infants go to Hell. The Canons of Dort is clearly just talking about the children of believers; the Westminster Confession teaches that "Elect infants, dying in infancy, are regenerated...", which may well imply that there is such a thing as non-elect infants. In any case, why should the onus be on those who believe "there have been any who have died in infancy and gone to Hell"? Surely the biblical default is that everyone goes to Hell unless God chooses to save them (since the wages of sin is death)?
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment John. You'd need to read the whole eBook to see where I interact with WCF 10:3 "Elect infants, dying in infancy..." However, I've yet to find any Calvinist confession or better, anywhere in the Bible, that states what "lots" of Calvinists supposedly believe, ie, that there're infants gnashing their gums in Hell. However, I am willing to learn.