The star of the book is the Liberian Jefferson Kollie
Williams (named after Thomas Jefferson) and his dramatic story is “filmed”
against the backdrop of the history of the founding of Liberia and its eventual
decline into civil war. The apt word “cinematic” has been used to describe the
content of Jefferson’s Tears. I purposely use word pictures so that the reader
can actually see what was happening rather than just hear about it.
Like a piece of tartan, (can you tell that my background is
Scottish?), there are many differently themes, colored-threads if you will,
that run the length and breadth of Jefferson’s Tears and can be followed. E.g., there
are military, political, philosophical, and Christian themes.
Rather than spell things out I allow you the reader to
follow each of the story's threads to make your own discoveries, some of which may be
Thomas Jefferson greatly influenced the founding
and ethos of Liberia
The issues of racial equality are addressed in
Jefferson’s Tears – “All men a created equal…” – Liberia means “liberty” as in
“the land of the free”
“Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” are
alluded to throughout
Liberia’s Declaration of Independence is based
on America’s Declaration of Independence (same for its Constitution and Bill of
The Republic of Liberia’s Founding fathers were
Christians, free blacks from America
The meaning of the Separation of Church and
State is discussed
After a positive beginning, as did the USA, so
Liberia descended into violent civil war
The invisible hand of God calmly guides young
Jefferson through all its chaos to a safe haven
An analogy from the old tv westerns is used throughout
Jefferson’s Tears, “Meanwhile back at the ranch…” I used the same method in my
hardcover biographical From Mason To Minister: Through the Lattice where I
would run the train of thought along two steel rails to where the rails would
meet on the horizon. Therein the theme of one rail was me as the naïve neophyte
setting out into the big bad world and the other was the cocksure mature me who
has all the answers to the former. Jefferson’s Tears is more like a railway
junction with mainlines and sublines and maybe one or two humorous sidelines!
The point is that I flit back and forth as I progress the main theme of the story
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Best price? Try Target (on-line):
See Wordery for a copy:
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