Needs a Mirror
But as choppy seas distort the image of the sky on
the face of the waters, so the fountains of evil broke open to issue forth from
the wellspring of man. Sin distorts man the image of God. But God is love, and
on the Day of Pentecost God the Father and God the Son from heaven poured the
good oil of God the Spirit on the troubled waters of mankind. The desert blooms
into life when it receives the showers of God’s blessing. And nations cease to
rage as the Son of Righteousness rises with healing in His wings. As the sea
begins to reflect the glassy sea in heaven above, the peoples, along with
cherubim and seraphim, fall down before the Lamb, for the good Shepherd leads
us beside still waters and we lie down in green pastures. His will shall be
done on earth as it is in heaven when man truly reflects His Maker once more,
for a soul restored is an image renewed.
Cultural activities on earth reflect heavenly
activities. Man is to eat, drink, and do all things to the glory of God. Which
is to say that man is to love the LORD our God with all of our heart, soul,
strength, and mind, and love our neighbour as ourself. In all our works, and in
all our interactions with God and with our neighbour we are to mirror love,
even the Father’s love for His Son. Thus the kingdom of the Son of His love
manifests itself only to the eyes of man renewed by the Spirit, for spiritual
things are spiritually discerned.
Under inspiration of the Holy Spirit the Apostle
Paul – writing of Christians – says, ‘Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the
Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face,
beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the
same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.’ 2
Corinthians 3:17-18.
Jesus rebuked the storm, stilling the wind and
calming the sea. When we are rebuked by the message of His cross our spirits
are stilled and our souls are calmed. Thus we stop our rage against the LORD
and against His Anointed. Indeed, ‘Why do the nations rage, and the people plot
a vain thing?’ Psalm 2:1. Why are people like ‘raging waves of the sea, foaming
up their own shame?’ Jude 1:13. It’s because we are cracked mirrors of God the
lot of us, and cracked mirrors distort the image of true love. Our love at best
is second best because we don’t love – as we ought – God who is love.
Because God loves His only begotten Son, so our
first love ought to be Jesus Christ who is the express image of God. For He
images the Father perfectly, while the rest of us fall short of His glory. This
is because the heart of fallen man is a black hole full only of darkness when
it comes to God and the things of God. ‘The heart is an idol factory,’ says
Calvin. With it we form gods in our own distorted image, even gods we can
ignore. But then there’s our conscience, of which the 17th century
Puritan Richard Sibbes said, ‘is the soul reflecting upon itself.’ And then the
18th century poet Robert Burns said, ‘O wad some Pow’r the giftie
gie us, to see oursels as others see us!’
As fallen men our image of ourself is as every bit
as distorted as our image of the God who made us, and whose image we are and
whose image we are to reflect in our everyday activities. But love looks beyond
itself, for the Father loves the Son and the Spirit who both love the Father
and each other.
By faith the Christian looks to the One who says,
‘He who has seen Me has seen the Father.’ John 14:9. – To the One who says, ‘If
you love Me, keep My commandments.’ John 14:15. Then out of love and gratitude
to God for saving him, the Christian – in the power supplied by the Holy Spirit
who has regenerated and sustains him – seeks to reflect God through obedience.
Love needs a mirror because love’s object is others. Only in the Jesus revealed
in Scripture do we see the clear and undistorted image of God.
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