Habbie To Jeely-Eater: A Biography –
“In retrospect, I
realise my life has been built on three pillars: Family, Friends and Faith.” So
says the indefatigable Rev Ian H Miller in the final chapter of his book which
essentially deals with this threefold cord.
The three main takeaways from this book are laughter, tears
and contemplation. Ian is a master storyteller.
Laughter? Ian can
spot humour at fifty paces even at funerals! He relates a funny story about a
bird at the crematorium at Cardross depositing “a little message on the
undertaker’s formal funeral wear.” He says, “All I could see was this splurge
of white. I lost it.”
Tears? Again
funerals! Speaking of the local cemetery Ian paints the following vividly
sombre picture, “On a number of occasions, I have stood on the windswept hill
above the Valley intoning the words of committal as we lay to rest a loved one
whose life had been forfeited to the river.”
Contemplation? “We
tend to look for God in the spectacular and miss him in the ordinary.”
Ian is a Christian minister. To minister is to serve. Ian
has served the Vale folk, i.e, the Jeely-Eaters, well!
On a more personal note: My father died in November 2005:
“The Rev. Ian Miller had another funeral to attend to, but he allowed us to use
his Bonhill Parish Church
on the River Leven where I conducted the funeral service.”[1]
After the service we accompanied dad’s coffin across the hill to the
Crematorium at Cardross where Ian was graciously (and patiently) waiting to
conduct the brief committal. We arrived much later than originally planned. As
I approached him I was cringing with embarrassment at what he might say about
my organisational tardiness. (We had arrived not long before the service that
was scheduled to follow ours.) Ian, a master of the humorous rebuke, looked at
me and said, “Red Card, McKinlay! Red Card!” No point in arguing with such a
well-respected referee as Rev. Ian H Miller.
I think the whole of the Vale has been touched and indeed
influenced for the better by this man. This (exiled) “Jeely-Eater” says thankyou
Ian! And thanks also for the great read!
[1] Neil
Cullan McKinlay, From Mason To Minister:
Through the Lattice, Nordskog Publishing, California, 2011, p. 147. – See http://nordskogpublishing.com/product/from-mason-to-minister-through-the-lattice/
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