Attending primary school in Scotland in the 60s meant
that you would see yourself with your classmates in church at least twice a
year, Christmas and Easter (and maybe “Harvest”!) Jamestown Parish Church and
Alexandria North in the Vale of Leven were the leading venues. I remember that they used to get one
of the older kids to read a few verses of Scripture. Their accents would invariable
change whenever this happened. It was strange to hear them pronounce the Ts,
but even stranger to hear the Thys, Thous and Thines.
Anyhow, I began thinking about all of this last week
because of the first line of a hymn we must have sung and some of these church
services: “We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land…” It was
rattling around in my head. I couldn’t remember what came next. I’d had a tough
week and had to deal with someone who had just discovered that his wife had
been having an adulterous affair. Heartrending!

Now, it seems to me as a Christian that God tends to
meet us when our life is on the skids. He sits with us in the rubble and ruins
of our life that has just caved in. There among the dust and debris He draws
near to us. Here He gets our attention. Now we are ready to listen. It is with
people in this demolished condition that I like to sow the seed of God’s Word.
The field has newly been ploughed. The land awaits the scattering of the good
Now that I’m an adult I’m in the habit of attending
church every Sunday. This particular Sunday I didn’t make it to my regular
church (which is a twenty-five minute drive) but instead went to a church next
to where I live. They had a guest preacher visiting from America, one Kevin
Harney. Guess what he was preaching on? Yes, scattering the good seed, i.e.,
sharing the Good News about Jesus. Kevin described a town parade in the States
where, as the floats passed by, kids would throw candies (lollies) into the
crowds containing many children. Some of the kids on floats would be stingy and
throw out one candy at a time to particular children while others would just
chuck out handfuls indiscriminately into the crowds. He used this to illustrate
The Parable of the Sower:
“A sower went out to sow his seed.
And as he sowed, some fell by the wayside; and it was trampled down, and the
birds of the air devoured it.
6 Some
fell on rock; and as soon as it sprang up, it withered away because it lacked
moisture. 7 And
some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up with it and choked it.
8 But
others fell on good ground, sprang up, and yielded a crop a hundredfold.”
Luke 8:5-8a.
Kevin asked what farmer in his
right mind would scatter valuable seed willy-nilly on rocky ground or ground
full of weeds, yet this is what the Lord would have us do with His Good News!
He said none of us are smart enough to always recognise good soil!
Lesson for me: Stop being so
selective. Stop trying to be a soil-specialist! And stop being like one of the
stingy kids on the parade float but rather “scatter” the Gospel!
“We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land…”
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