This is My
Body “Broken”?
I would like to pick up on just one little, but
not insignificant, NIV variant text regarding its omission of the word “broken”
in 1 Corinthians 11:24, i.e., where Jesus says, “This is My body which is ‘broken’
for you...” Christ is of course “The Lamb of God who takes away the
sin of the world...” John 1:29. And of course the Passover lamb represented Him
– of which lamb Scripture says, “They shall leave none of it until morning, nor
break one of its bones.” Numbers 9:12. It is very true that none of Jesus’
bones were broken when He was crucified as The Lamb of God – as per John
19:36, “These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: ‘Not
one of his bones will be broken.'” NIV. “For these things were done that the
Scripture should be fulfilled, ‘Not one
of His bones shall be broken.’” NKJV. Case closed? Well...
Personally I do not think there is any contradiction
in the use of the word “broken” in 1 Corinthians 11:24 verse as per NKJV, viz.,
“This is My body which is broken for you...” Here is my reasoning: The New
Testament Greek word for “broken” here (klah-o), e.g., according to the New
Strong’s Concordance means “to break (esp. of bread): -break.” No great mystery
there! However, the point is that the word Jesus used (according to Paul) has
reference to the breaking of bread.
Carefully compare Jesus instituting the Lord's
Supper, “While they were eating, Jesus took bread, broke it, and gave it to His
disciples, saying, ‘Take and eat; this is my body.’” Matthew 26:26
NIV. (cf. Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19). Notice that Jesus is showing
His disciples broken bread while
telling them that it is His body, i.e., the broken
bread is referring to and/or is symbolizing His body. (No need to enter into
discussion about Transubstantiation at this point!) But simply
put: The broken bread equals Christ's broken body.
Also, Christ is “our covenant” (e.g., Isaiah 42:6;
49:8; Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24). The Lord’s Supper is the covenant meal. The
breaking of the bread reminds us that God “made a covenant” with Abraham, the
“Father of the Faithful”, (Genesis 15:18; Romans 4:11). “And it came to pass,
when the sun went down and it was dark, that behold, there appeared a smoking
oven and a burning torch that passed between those pieces [ie., the “broken”
animal carcasses]. On the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram.”
Genesis 15:17-18; cf., Jeremiah
Also, the Isaiah 52 and 53 verses clearly
refer to Jesus, “His appearance was so *disfigured* beyond that of any man, and
His form *marred* beyond human likeness.” Isaiah 52:14 NIV; “But He was pierced
for our transgressions, He was *crushed* for our iniquities...” Isaiah 53:5
NIV. “Yet it was the Lord’s will to *crush* Him...” Isaiah 53:10 NIV. Note the
words “disfigured”, “marred”, “crushed”, and “crush”! Clearly Scripture seems
happy enough to use terms that would seem to suggest broken bones even though technically none of His bones were broken!
Before His crucifixion Jesus was “scourged” (John
19:1) and had a crown of thorns placed on His head no doubt causing His head to
bleed (Matthew 27:29; Mark 15:17; John 19:2; 5). He was struck on the head (Matthew
27:30; Mark 14:65; 15:19; John 19:2-3). At His crucifixion He had nails driven
through His hands and feet and a spear thrust into His side (John 19:1;34;
20:27, cf., Isaiah 49:16a; Luke
24:39-40). “All My bones are out of joint … They have pierced My hands and My
feet; I can count all My bones.” Psalm 22:14b;16b-17a.
Bottom line? I've always been happy enough to
accept the word “broken” as used by Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:24 (i.e., the
Lord’s Supper passage) to mean that Christ, the perfect Lamb of God, had His
body bruised, battered and killed for my iniquities, though none of His bones
were actually broken. Scripture attests to that. And thus He was holocausted by
God as He poured out His fiery wrath on His only begotten Son, as pictured by
the Passover Lamb “roasted in fire” in Old Testament times, (e.g., Exodus 12:9).
Indeed, “For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.” 1 Corinthians 5:7
Just leave the word “broken” alone! It speaks
volumes of what my Saviour did for me. Well NIV, “If it ain’t “broken”, don’t fix it!”
This blog caught my attention because I was thinking a very similar thought recently. I love this, totally agree with you.