simplicity of the Lord’s Supper is that it is designed to lift up the
communicant on wings like eagles to soar in heavenly realms, for the
communicant by the Spirit through faith eats and drinks in the presence of the
Lord at the wedding feast of the Lamb. Some Christians see the bread and wine
only as a symbol and others only as a sacrifice. Properly understood the Lord’s
Supper is an actual celebration using symbols to remember Christ’s sacrifice.
It is a joyous occasion, a festival in which the food and drink elevates the
soul and strengthens the believer’s faith.
Lord’s Supper is the joyful fulfilment of the four seasonal festivals that
existed in Old Testament times, viz., as per the season in the northern hemisphere,
Unleavened Bread/Passover (Matthew 26:17-20); Summer, Harvest/Pentecost (Acts 2:1), Autumn, Ingathering/Tabernacles
(John 7:2) and Winter,
Dedication/Lights (John 10:22). As do all festivals, these point to celebratory
The opening chapter of the Bible contains an
allusion to festivals. ‘Then God
said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day
from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and
years”’ Genesis 1:14. The Hebrew word here for ‘seasons’ is moo’a:dym.
Not only has this word to do with climate, but it also includes the
idea of festive gatherings, or seasonal celebration. As each season of the Old Testament
calendar contained a festival, so each season in the New Testament calendar
contains the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Traditionally Presbyterians have
quarterly Communion. Each seasonal festival was also a reminder the Lord’s
coming was/is drawing nearer.
Yet from Bacchus to
Woodstock and beyond some festivals have degenerated into drunken and/or drug
induced orgies, i.e., bacchanalian. However, if we keep in mind that culture is
religion externalised we won’t fail to see that these are simply distorted
forms of true religion. Don Mclean in his song ‘American Pie’ asks, ‘Do you
believe in rock and roll? Can music save your mortal soul?’ Well, in line with
the 1st Commandment it needs to be said that the trinity of ‘sex,
drugs and rock and roll’ is no substitute for the triune God! Whether it is in
food, drink, music or whatever, wherever a person pursues happiness there is his/her
god! However, the best festivals are those that have God at their centre.
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