The Republic of
Ireland voted in favour of changing its constitution in order to permit
same-sex or homosexual marriage. The people have spoken! Democracy lives in
Ireland! However, is the redefining of marriage a wise thing?
Apparently 4% of
the Irish population identify themselves as either homosexual/lesbian or
bisexual. Sure, the figure may be more due to some wishing not to disclose
their sexual preferences but the figure certainly includes homosexuals who are
against redefining marriage.
Be that as it
may, but what was wrong with the definition that marriage is between one man
and one woman forever (i.e., till death) that the Irish now wish to change it?
Well, apparently the Irish wish to bring in “marriage equality,” suggesting
that somehow marriage has been unequal up till now. The idea is that if two men
or two women “love” each other then they should be allowed to enter into holy
The Roman
Catholic Church (which is big but waning in Ireland) considers marriage to be
one of its seven sacraments. Therefore, this new definition of marriage cannot
be incorporated into its Church dogma without papal authority. If we remember
this is a church that, for example, without Biblical authority tells its
priests that they cannot marry then we will understand that perhaps it may be
swayed by public opinion. However, for Biblical Christians the issue is simple.
The question is: Is same-sex marriage Biblical? In other words, does God’s Word
teach that marriage is only between one man and one woman forever? Of course it
does! And there is the rub. Jesus in Matthew 19:3-6 by referring us to Adam and
Eve in Genesis 1 and 2 is clearly teaching us that marriage is between only mature
males and mature females.
The Bible takes
a scientific or empirical approach and calls homosexual acts ‘unnatural.” So
that you do not miss what the Bible teaches about homosexual acts consider the
following: Someone once said, “A square peg in a round hole may be possible
with a bit of force – but it is ugly!” Homosexual “marriage” endorses sodomy
and buggery and other unnatural acts. And for the record God forbids such unnatural
actions between husbands and wives.
Some may
conclude that what two consenting adults (two males or two females) do in
private is their business but the whole of the voting public of Ireland have made
it their own personal business. The majority has voted to redefine marriage to
include what the Bible describes as something unnatural (e.g., Romans 1). That
is Ireland’s prerogative as a sovereign state. But is it wise? The Bible says
it isn’t. However, the people of Ireland have spoken.
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