Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus were a family in
blood as well as legally. Though God (not Joseph) is Jesus’ real Father, Jesus
was formed of the substance of Mary, i.e., He was of her bloodline. Joseph was
the legal father of Jesus. Thus, the Biblical definition of 'family' has both blood
and legal connotations. The uniqueness of Jesus is that He belongs to the
family of God and to the family of humanity. He is the Son of God and He is the
Son of Man at the same time forever. As the Son of God He is in covenant with God forever and as the
Son of Man He is in covenant with humanity, i.e., His Bride which is His Church.
Marriage is a covenant. O. Palmer Robertson says ‘A
covenant is a bond in blood sovereignly administered.’ Ordinarily the marriage
covenant is sealed by the husband and the wife on their wedding night. You will
see the idea of the ‘bond in blood’ in the following curious verse which speaks
of parents who have given their daughter’s hand in marriage to a man who is
questioning their daughter’s virginity, ‘Now he has charged her with shameful
conduct, saying, “‘I found your daughter was not a virgin,’ and yet these are
the evidences of my daughter’s virginity.” And they shall spread the cloth
before the elders of the city.’ Deuteronomy 22:17.
Adam and Eve produced a family. ‘Adam … had sons and daughters.’ Genesis 5:4b. All humans belong to Adam’s family
through blood but also legally. ‘Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all
men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the
free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by
one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience
many will be made righteous.’ Romans 5:18-19. God as Judge declared humanity
guilty and facing condemnation because Adam (as mankind’s representative) broke
the covenant. We are born into a covenant-breaking family (humanity). God
legally condemns us. However, because Christ has shed His (covenant) blood for
His bride (the Church) God is able legally to declare us as righteous (i.e.,
justified). Justification is a legal transaction in God’s court. God causes those
justified to be born again, i.e., born into the family of God, which means you
have been legally adopted by God and belong to Him. Like Adam’s family, so
God’s family has both blood and legal aspects. Christ’s blood is the blood on the cloth,
which is the blood of His bride’s virginity. Of which family are you? God’s or
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