more popular in past centuries some seek to escape the law by claiming
‘sanctuary’ upon entering a church building. The Old Testament Tabernacle and
then the Temple
contained a room called the ‘sanctuary’ or the ‘Holy of Holies.’ This was where
the presence of God was. It was where God ‘dwelt.’ In the sanctuary was the ark
of the covenant. The ark was a box containing the tablets with the Law, i.e.,
the Ten Commandments. The lid of the box was the ‘Mercy Seat’ attached to which
were two angelic beings with wings outspread looking down on the seat. God
dwelt between these cherubs.

Old Testament ‘sanctuary’ ‘was a copy and shadow of heavenly things’ (Hebrews
8:5). Therefore, God, by giving instruction for the building of the
Tabernacle/Temple, used physical things to illustrate spiritual truths. God,
‘the Judge of all the earth,’ (Genesis 18:25b) dwelt in the Sanctuary. How do
we escape the condemnation of His Law? Now that the Temple is gone is there a sanctuary to which we can
flee for protection from His justice upon our sins? Let us look again at the
physical things in the Temple's
Holy of Holies .
cannot look upon evil (Habakkuk 1:13), yet, with the cherubs, He looked down on
the Mercy Seat under which were the Ten Commandments (which all of us have
broken), in the ark of the covenant. Therefore, once a year only one man, the
high priest, was allowed to come behind the veil into the sanctuary. However,
he, after he had been washed, had to bring the blood of sacrificed animals with
him and sprinkle the blood on the Mercy Seat. ‘Without the shedding of blood
there is no remission’ Hebrews 9:22b. The shed blood covered the sins of the
people each year, that is, until the One being pictured entered the sanctuary
with His own blood.
have God’s Law written on our heart, which is to say that our conscience tells
us that we have broken His Commandments. We all have lied and lusted, cursed
and coveted. God looks upon the heart. Our hearts are calloused and corrupt and
the Law He wrote upon them when we were conceived and born is hardly
discernable. God cannot live with us or in us. Our sin separates us from God.
We need to flee the wrath to come. We need to find the shed blood. We need ‘sanctuary’!
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