of the attractive things about sunny Queensland
is the turquoise ocean, palm trees and the golden beaches on its coast. Sun,
sand and surf! It was on the third day of formation week that God ‘placed the
sand as the bound of the sea’ Jeremiah 5:22. On the fourth day He made the sun,
the moon and the stars. Afterwards the earth’s topography would have been
altered by the global flood. The volcanic turmoil during that time would have
brought on the ice-age, the subsequent melt-water of which would have helped
produce the seas as we know them today.

Gulf Stream, from the Gulf of Mexico, helps keep Scotland temperate. Indeed, a lush,
tropical garden can be found at Inverewe in western Scotland . David spoke poetically of
sea-channels three thousand years ago, ‘The channels of the sea were seen, the
foundations of the world were uncovered, at the rebuke of the LORD, at the
blast of the breath of His nostrils’ 2 Samuel 22:16.
uses the sea to illustrate, ‘The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it
cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt’ Isaiah 57:20 (with Jude 13). Perhaps
Jesus calming the sea (and walking on it!) also symbolises His subduing the
wicked with His Word. Indeed, the priests were to wash with water from the calm
sea depicted in Solomon’s Temple
(1 Kings 7:23-26; 2 Chronicles 4:2-6 with Exodus 30:18-21). John saw in his
vision on the Island
of Patmos , ‘Before the
throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal’ Revelation 4:6a. Reginald Heber
paints the picture, ‘Holy,
holy, holy! All the saints adore Thee,/
casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;/ cherubim and seraphim
falling down before Thee,/ which wert, and art, and evermore shalt be.’
Around 2,000BC God invited Abraham to number the stars, (if
he was able!), saying, ‘So shall your descendants be’ Genesis 15:5. With the
naked eye Abraham would not have seen much more than 2,500 stars yet he trusted
God’s Word that they were without number! For later the Angel of the LORD said,
‘I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand
which is on the seashore. And your descendants shall possess the gate of their
enemies. In your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed’ Genesis
22:17b-18. ‘If you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs
according to the promise’ Galatians 3:29.
As Abraham’s seed Christians will become a multitude without number (Rev. 7:9).
Then ‘the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover
the sea’ Isaiah 11:9b.
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