Tuesday, August 31, 2021
This is to say that God’s Ten Commandments along with the right spirit for keeping them are the foundations upon which Western societies are built. Loving God and others as yourself, doing unto others as you would have them do unto you, is the application of God’s Law in the West.
However, God’s Ten Commandments for a lawful society are now being shunned by some in favour of a plethora of rules and regulations belonging to Secular Humanism – a movement which is trying very hard to assert itself in the West. Eg. in America they’ve been dragging out all reference to God’s Ten Commandments from Law Courts etc. In place of God’s Law, as a cat drags a dead animal into the house, so the Trojan Horse of Secular Humanism has been dragged into many American Institutions. Multitudes of blood-sucking, life draining maggots of death are pouring forth!
In the West we are losing our Gospel Freedoms to big government red tape. The West has now entangled itself in the sticky web of Political Correctness. The spider of thought-control is injecting its venom into and numbing the minds of the many peoples. The religion of Marxism is the new opiate of the masses!
Now people cannot be trusted to do the right thing, ie, no Gospel Freedoms. Now, we are being treated like little kids again: No Running, No Smoking, No Swearing, No Foods, No Drinks, No Tee-shirts, No This, No That, No the Next Thing! No, No, No. No… Rules, rules, and yet more rules! Oh, the burden is too great to bear! Bring back the TEN (10) Commandments and please get rid of all your millions of rules!
Neo-Darwinists, such as Richard Dawkins have the freedom to say what they like about Christians and the Triune God. Muslims also get to blaspheme Christ and the Triune God also with impunity. Yet, as soon as Christians say anything about neo-Darwinism we are ridiculed, expelled from science class, and made to sit in detention with the loony fringe! Any Muslim who hears the Good News of Jesus Christ, repents and believes it, becomes the target of death threats, if not death itself at the hands of a group of people who allege that Islam is a religion of peace!
Bring back the Gospel Freedoms that we in the West used to enjoy before those people started using their freedoms as licence to de-Christianize the West.
Islam sees the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle, pornography, prostitution, etc. as Christianity’s failure in the West. However, in many ways, when you really think about it, these things, although debauched in themselves, are evidence of the Gospel’s success! The West simply has to learn that with Gospel Freedom there also comes Gospel Responsibility. Just because we have the freedom to do a thing doesn’t make that thing the right and good thing to do!
God’s Ten Commandments and all their applications in Family, Church, and State keep us on the right track. So let’s get back to the Gospel Freedoms we once had. Otherwise Shariah Law (ie, Islamic law) will be the order of the day for the West (ie, for those who haven’t lost their heads!)
Click the following to find out about Francis Nigel Lee's excellent book "God's Ten Commandments": http://nordskogpublishing.com/
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
(Photos by Neil Cullan McKinlay - except platypus)
In a clash of confluence, the battle-cries of the Picton River were drowned out by the greater roar of the Huon River in spate. My friend and I could hear the watery commotion in the background as we walked through the peaceful rain-soaked undergrowth of the Tasmanian wilderness. It was as we forded a swollen Huon tributary that my eye initially saw it: ‘A beaver in Tasmania? Surely not!’ The curiosity slowly swam down the surface of the creek toward us: a duckbilled platypus!
Platypuses have webbed-feet with claws; the female lays eggs; the male has a poisonous spur on his hind legs; and they both have an electronic-receptor in their bills. When a (dead) specimen was taken to England in 1799 it was thought by some to be a hoax!

Dear reader, where does the platypus fit into your worldview? Do you hear the great commotion in the world today as Darwinism and Creationism clash? To suggest that these two opposing worldviews can be reconciled is like saying a duck can marry a beaver and produce a platypus!

Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Andrew Roberts, Churchill: Walking with Destiny, Penguin Press, 2019, 1152 pages.
Churchill: Walking with Destiny is well worth the purchase.
him or hate him, (and many do both at the same time!), this book will take you
from Churchill’s birth in 1874 to his death in 1965 stopping at just about
every station along the way.
to bursting with fly-on-the-wall observations and recorded quotes, Roberts
tracks the victories and defeats, successes and mistakes, of this remarkable
man. Disregarding the many lies and legends that have been told about
Churchill, you will see why some people love him while others hate him. This is
a “warts and all” biography.
a young age, Churchill had many uncanny premonitions of his mission in life.
Clearly, he was destined to greatness. Read the book to agree or disagree.
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Monday, August 9, 2021
Brother Stuart comments upon receiving a copy of The Time Horse:
Thank you for this
magnificent memoir, brilliantly conceived and beautifully translated into a
lasting family biography. It is a production immediately for the coffee table
for sure, to catch the eye for frequent perusal, and more, for the book
shelves, and for the attics eventually as a lasting illustration of who we are.
This pleasantly
tactile volume contains not only the broader brushstrokes of life for each of
us, suggested not only in the wider choice of subjects to illustrate the
passage of time and the gist of life. It also holds tantalising clues, the
telling minutiae, the fond trivialities, beguiling trifles of recollection that
glint and dazzle. These are revealing pigments and shades in a mosaic of
memories few others have an opportunity to share.
Just how little we
know truly of the lives of our parents or grandparents, and others of their
generation, is suggested by the comparatively revealing nature of this
production, evidence of how much we are willing to confide of our own times.
Yet, in turning our minds to this recollection for our own time-capsule, we
redress at least some of the balance for them: this is a joint memorial of
inestimable worth beyond our own day, reaching greatly back into theirs.
It is also a
fluent illustration of daily life in artless snapshots, those moments that tell
others so much through expressions, attentive or wayward, and in background
whether chosen for scenic beauty or just unregarded clutter. All of it is of
its moment, the fashions, the furniture, the vehicles, the lighting,
informative even in the enigmatic perhaps, sometimes the absence of someone or
of some thing. Yet there are too statements of the abstract that frame
personalities beyond physical impressions, of credos, religion, faith and
philosophy, and clues to education, formal and inspired. It reaches beyond
linguistic constraints in languages too, in the many alternative words of the
inner soul, a pulse of encouragement for others.
This is also a
simple thing of beauty, too, a photo album bound together with summaries,
rubrics and inscriptions beyond cryptic captions. In short, a triumph.
Naturally, you will
fret over imperfections in this, the first edition. In some of this you have
had to experiment, and often blindly, and to persevere against the contrary,
and to guess and to hope and suffer frustration. You can be sure we all know
this and thank you for your patience and unremitting determination. Your
generosity is unbounding.
I received my
first copy from you today and it is with pride and pleasure I bother its pages
with happy regard, not least for the tiny things we will all see with joy: my
own forgotten mention of my cat Ruaridh leapt out to me in a distinct frisson
of surprise: “Let’s go wee Ruri, More like a dug than a dug can be, Up the
river and over the lea, That's the way for Ruri and me.”
This is the stuff
of memories like no other.
Saturday, August 7, 2021
THE TIME HORSE: Life, Laughs, Lows, & Literature
Three brothers doing their poetic and literary thing, with interaction between them. It is what they do.
topic is time, as related to the process of being born, aging, and then dying.
it is a poetic memoir of three brothers who display their literary talents
Horse of Time being the general theme from beginning to then end. From go to
reader is invited to join Fergie, Stuart, and Neil as they go on their
“pony-trek” across time in their lives. Along the way, there will be lots of
serious conversation, interspersed with light-hearted banter, interrupted by
tongue-in-cheek craic, and punctuated by outright laughter – just as you would
expect when travelling in the company of poets, artists, writers, authors,
journalists, theologians, philosophers, satirists, linguists, humourists,
Scots, Canadians, and Australians.
may wish to start simply by looking at the pictures…
lives for three brothers:
Friday, August 6, 2021
An equinox is when the twenty-four hour
period has twelve hours of darkness and twelve hours of light, as happens in
March and September.
As God worked on the six days of creation,
each workday ended with the refrain, ‘So the evening and the morning were…’ Scripture
uses the word day to refer to twenty-four hours, or a daylight period, or a
time period. Now, taken at face value, it would seem that the reader is to assume
that day (Heb. yom) in each of the six days of creation means a twenty-four
hour day. This is verified by the Fourth Commandment, the Sabbath Commandment, ‘…Six
days you shall labour and do all your work … For in six days the LORD made the
heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them…’ Exodus 20:8-11. Were
each of these days equal in length? Were the periods of light and darkness equal
in length? Christians continue to debate whether or not the Bible teaches the six
days of creation were twenty-four hour days or six extended periods of time.
However, the Atheist doctrine of Evolution simply disregards Christian
cosmology and substitutes its own. Christians ought not import this Atheist
philosophy. To be a ‘Young Earth Creationist’ or an ‘Old earth Creationist’ is
to be open for debate. But simply to attempt to jam into the Bible some Atheist
worldview is to be guilty of changing the Bible’s meaning and results in damaging
Christians. It is a futile attempt to try to extinguish light with darkness. What
does Christ Jesus have to say about all of this?
‘Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours
in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees
the light of this world. But if one walks in the night, he stumbles, because
the light is not in him’ John 11:9-10. If there are twelve hours in the day,
then there is an equal amount of hours in the night: equinox! And, since Christ
is the eternal Word, He was present in the beginning, when ‘God said, “Let
there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the
night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years’ Genesis
Equal periods of light and darkness in the
six creation days? Perhaps. However, Jesus goes on to speak of people believing
in the light, and becoming ‘sons of the light’, i.e., Christians (John
11:35-36). Jesus, of course, is the Light of the world. ‘I am the light of the
world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life’
John 8:12. This, of course, is so much mumbo-jumbo to the non-Christian. This
is because the non-Christian dwells and walks in darkness (John 3:19-21). ‘But
he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen,
that they have been done in God’; John 3:21.
In the equinox, which do you prefer? The
period of light or the period of darkness? Are you a child of the darkness or a
child of the light? Only those who have the light of Christ are true children
of light.
Should we believe the Bible? ‘And so we have
the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines
in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts’
2 Peter 1:19.