Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Works of the Flesh Versus The Fruit of the Spirit


              Many remarkable things take place when God converts a human being. God’s Spirit works with God’s Word in the heart of every believer, first, to enable belief in the sinner (who beforehand is dead in trespasses and sins until the Spirit regenerates him/her), and second, to transform the regenerated or born-again sinner through the renewing of his/her mind. The former has to do with Justification and the latter has to do with Sanctification. Like love and marriage going together like a horse and carriage, you can’t have one without the other.

              The individual is Justified by God the very moment he believes. He is also Sanctified by God at the same moment, but unlike Justification (which is a legal transaction in God’s court of law), Sanctification is progressive. It is the Son, i.e., Jesus Christ by His perfect life, death and resurrection who Justifies a sinner. It is the Holy Spirit who begins the work of Sanctification in the heart of the sinner upon his Justification. Both Justification and Sanctification are a work of God. However, unlike Justification, the (redeemed) sinner gets to participate in his Sanctification by doing the works God has prepared for him/her beforehand (Eph. 2:10).

              The Works of the Flesh versus the Fruit of the Spirit shows (according to Scripture) the “before and after picture” of the Christian. Before his conversion the sinner produces only works of the flesh. After his conversion the Holy Spirit produces fruit in the (redeemed) sinner. 

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