Friday, September 27, 2019

SOCIALISM - My Part in its Downfall

SOCIALISM: My Part in its Downfall

The further society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.
George Orwell


Unlike Spike Milligan’s book, Adolf Hitler: My Part in His Downfall, my SOCIALISM: My Part in its Downfall is not meant to be a humorous book. Sure, you may find some sections funny (whether intended or unintended!). However, the intention of this book is to be a serious reflection on the modern state of affairs. Okay, I will try hard not to be too serious all of the time, and I promise to inject some (of what I call) humour into what follows.

Socialism is now very much unashamedly out of the closet, (if it ever was in the closet!). At its base, Socialism is all about wealth redistribution by government. If this sounds to you like what you think government is supposed to do, then this book is intended to help you think this concept through. What is government for? Is it there to protect the freedom of the individual? Or is it designed to look after the masses through a system of wealth redistribution?

America added a bill of rights to sit beside her constitution. Why? To protect the individual citizen from unlawful government interference in their lives. Socialistic governments increasingly expand as they implement more and more of their (wealth redistribution) social programs, and, as they do so, individual rights, i.e., basic freedoms for the individual, more and more decrease. Bigger government means greater taxes. Taxes are the reason why America came into being in the first place! A high tax burden creates angst among the people, and they become revolting. Thus, the American Revolution in brief.

Socialism is not about the haves giving to the have nots. Rather than the individual “haves” cheerfully participating in the voluntarily (tax-free or tax-deductable!) giving of charitable donations, Socialism is about the government taking from these “haves” and redistributing their wealth to a society of its own creation, i.e., the entitlement society. Thus, Socialism is a self-perpetuating system of wealth redistribution. Instead of rolling up their collective sleeves to work hard and earn an honest crust, the people now look to the government expecting a handout. In Western democracies, one can either vote for freedom, or one can vote for free stuff.

What about the destitute and the disabled, those who are unable to work, those who are unable to find employment? Government welfare should be a last resort, and even then, it is not the role of governments to dole out other people’s money, but simply to encourage charity in society. There is the way of Socialism, and then there is the Christian way. In the former, government is a major player. In the latter, government is merely the referee. 
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