Monday, September 23, 2024


From Mason to Minister - Nordskog Publishing

A New Chapter (pgs. 70-73)

After completing the three degrees of the Blue Lodge, I came to a fork in the road. Should I now seek admission into Scottish Rite or York Rite Freemasonry? I had read enough of the book The Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (1871) by the American Albert Pike (1809-1892) to put me off taking the Scottish Rite route! Albert Pike is very much maligned by - and apparently very much misunderstood by – anti-Masons. I personally found the contents and language of his Morals and Dogma book to be very esoteric. I believe this in itself is an unchristian approach to writing, for Christianity is all about truth done in the light - nothing is purposely hidden. Thus the word “occultish” sums up Pike’s book for me.

It was through reading Morals and Dogma that I was led to believe that there had to be an elite and occultist group - a wheel within the wheels of Masonry if you will - in which and among which the hidden secrets of God and His universe resided. For Pike unabashedly alleges that the Master Mason, after having gone through the first three degrees, has been duped. Wrote Pike:

The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them.”

(Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, prepared for the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the U.S., Charleston, 1871, 819).

In other words, Pike was urging the Master Mason to proceed through the Scottish Rite degrees in order to learn and discern the true nature of Masonry.

At the time, what Pike had written seemed very ominous to me, especially in light of what Scripture has to say about occult practices! Indeed on Pike’s instigation I started reading writings on the Jewish cabala. Thankfully, however, instead of going through the Scottish Rite, I sought and gained entrance into the “more Christian,” as I was told, York Rite.

This being said about Albert Pike and his Morals and Dogma, and whatever terrible things his enemies may have said about him, Pike is reported to have been a staunch Trinitarian Christian till his dying day. I’ll let the reader make up his or her own mind on this! There is much information about him to be found on the Internet that has been written by Freemasons themselves. The Scottish Rite, from what I could see, had very little if anything to do with Scotland-hence, for me, the obvious “Scottish” attraction was assuaged. The Holy Royal Arch, or York Rite Freemasonry, is a branch of what is sometimes referred to as Red Lodge. The Holy Royal Arch is more commonly known as “Chapter.” Royal Arch, or Chapter, is a continuation (even the completion) of the three Blue Lodge degrees, as has been well said: “Pure Ancient Freemasonry consists of but three degrees, that of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason, including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch.”[1] A cursory search of the Internet revealed the following handy, concise, and verifiable information regarding Chapter:

The Chapter of Royal Arch Masonry itself consists of four degrees: Mark Master; Past Master; Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason. The Royal Arch Degree being said to be the climax of Ancient Craft Masonry and Masonic Symbolism. It is described as “the root and marrow of Freemasonry.” It is the complete story of Jewish History during some of its darkest hours. Jerusalem and the Holy Temple are destroyed, the people are being held captive as slaves in Babylon. Here you will join with some slaves as they are set free to return home and engage in the noble and glorious work of rebuilding the city and the Temple of God. It is during this rebuilding that they make a discovery that brings to light the greatest treasure of a Mason - the long lost Master’s Word. Many historians have traced the earliest origins of the Royal Arch Degree to Ireland, late in the 17th century and in England in 1738. In 1752, ambulatory or military warrants for Lodges were introduced. This was instrumental in placing the Royal Arch Degree on a par with the Master Mason Degree. Military lodges were greatly responsible for planting Freemasonry in the Colonies and also gave birth to the use of the Marl and Royal Arch degrees in the “New World.” Lodge records show that the Royal Arch Degree was conferred at Fredericksburg No. 4 on December 12, 1753. George Washington was raised [i.e., symbolically resurrected to become a Master Mason] in this lodge a few months prior to this date. The value of Royal Arch Masonry will be appreciated by all who are exalted to that most sublime degree, particularly by those who are seeking to complete their Masonic education. It reveals the full light of Ancient Craft Masonry, presents it as a complete system in accordance with the original plan and justly entitles you to claim the noble name of Master Mason.”[2]

I don’t suppose either the United States of America’s first president and Church of England Episcopalian George Washington (1732-1799) or Canada’s first Prime Minister, Sir John A. MacDonald (1819-1891), entered Freemasonry for the same reason I did. I was seeking God. I thought that Christians were like sheep - and I didn’t want to be a sheep! That’s why I didn’t attend church to look for God! The truth is that I had been put off of Christianity by the Pentecostal televangelist “preachers” who inundated Canadian television at the time. I was afraid of their Christianity. There were numerous televangelist scandals in the late 1980s, so, understandably, I thought “the church” was only after people’s minds and money. But a new chapter began in my life when I joined the Chapter of Royal Arch Masonry. It was there that I was confronted by “the stone the builders rejected.”

[1] Articles of Union, Mother Grand Lodge (England), 1831.

[2] (www.themasonict mason.htm) 

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