Tuesday, October 19, 2021


American Marxism (Review)

Mark Levin’s American Marxism is a must read for understanding the Left’s intended and continued demolition of Western civilization. This Aussie reviewer knows and understands all too well that if the US goes under, we all go under!

By his descriptive title Levin alerts the reader to the fact that old time Marxism has morphed itself into a modern American version. In other words, the cancer that’s Socialism has metastasized, and has spread its toxic tentacles into every vital organ of American society: schools, colleges, universities, churches, sports, comedy, social and mainstream media, medicine, politics, military et al.

American Marxism will be the death of America if she does not seek immediate treatment for her ailment.

After years of incubation, the Marxist cuckoo’s egg has finally hatched and the American taxpayer frantically has to feed the leeching imposter is it grows and grows.

Levin, with a plethora of citations, footnotes, and sources, skillfully details, and intelligently interacts with the evil intentions of the fire-breathing dragon of totalitarianism, a.k.a. American Marxism.

From Climate Change fanaticism to Critical Race Theory skullduggery to Education indoctrination to anti-Law Enforcement to Open Borders abuse to Founding Fathers’ disparagement to Declaration denigration and attacks on the Constitution and a whole lot more, Levin shines a bright light and exposes these forces of darkness.

Levin does not leave it at that but gives the reader clear instructions and supplies many suggestions as to how American patriots might at last stave off and repair the damage done by the decades of the destructive Marxist onslaught.

America’s world reputation needs to be rescued and her tattered flag repaired with all the dedication of a Betsy Ross.

Reading American Marxism will help to stir the souls of all lovers of truth, justice, and the American way. Yes, all lovers of freedom will benefit from devouring and digesting this book.

May God be pleased to grant America true repentance and a renewed belief in His Law with His Gospel, i.e., the Bible, as elaborated in and ratified by her Declaration: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

America, the West, is depending on you!        

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