Tuesday, May 19, 2020


My MORAL INJURY: Towards a Theology is now also out in paperback.

Moral Injury pertains to having ones view of the world violated resulting in an adverse effect of feeling guilt and shame. A worldview is that aspect of our humanity that focuses on things in the world that are (in our own personal opinion) right or wrong, and true or false. Thus, morals relate to who you are as a person. Morals are rules. They are a set of laws by which we police the world in which we live. They govern our interactions with others and our behaviour towards them and they determine how we perceive the interactions between others, whether as individuals or in groups.

Moral Injury occurs when as individuals we go against our own set of moral values and cause harm. It is important to note that this harm may or may not involve other parties (whether human, animal, objects or anything else).

AMAZON: https://tinyurl.com/ycp427fv

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