Monday, November 25, 2019



The phrase Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), sums up precisely and concisely my personal observations of those who view President Donald Trump through hate coloured glasses. What’s the colour of hate you ask? Well, it’s seeing red at every mention of Trump’s name.

What would cause such a negative response in one human being toward a fellow human being? I mean, what’s wrong with plain old fashioned simply disliking a president and or his or her policies? Why all the visible vitriol and spewed out hatred that’s being verbalised by some actors, musicians, politicians, newscasters as well as news commentators, not to mention the fired up social media keyboard warriors? One of the tactics used in times of war is to demonise your enemy. That way it’s easier to get your soldiers to pull the trigger on their weapons and fire at other human beings. Ogre-ise your opposition. The Left has demonised The Donald from day one, thereby triggering their base. Thus Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The Left sees red whenever a fellow human being wears a red MAGA cap. Why? Well, viewed through hate coloured glasses a red baseball cap triggers your hatred which usually manifests itself in verbalised rage sometimes followed by physical violence towards the object of your hate, i.e., a fellow human being. In this case a fellow human being who represents the man you hate with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.

As I try to understand why some on the Left are clearly blinded by hatred, I am reminded of that verse of Scripture that, in another context, speaks of God sending a strong or powerful delusion, “For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness” 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12. Trump Derangement Syndrome proves to me the correctness of Cornelius Van Til’s Presuppositional Apologetics. For example, if I were to presuppose that Trump is evil incarnate, then it necessarily would follow that everything I thought about him would be influenced by my original presupposition. With my prior bias I would tend to believe what others tell me about him, especially when they put him down, and I wouldn’t believe a word Trump said. Thus, my presuppositions would blind me to actual truth. I would be blind and deaf to it. I would share in the collective hate for this fellow human being.  

The late Charles Krauthammer was a witty political commentator who also happened to be a psychiatrist. Back in the day when the Left was relentlessly attacking President George W Bush, Krauthammer came up with the phrase Bush Derangement Syndrome. Trump Derangement Syndrome is Bush Derangement Syndrome on the proverbial steroids and opiods as per the present epidemic! Actually, the derangement syndrome is plain and simple sin, with sin being the want of any conformity to, or transgression of, the Law of God (see e.g., Westminster Shorter Catechism 14).

Western democracy, particularly of the constitutional republic type as per USA, has checks and balances built in to its system of government precisely because of sin. Every single human being is corruptible. Indeed, the Bible, upon which Western democracy is primarily built, clearly teaches that every single human being is corrupted already simply by being a member of the human race of which Adam is the federal head.

Jesus called the devil, i.e., Satan, the father of lies, and those who opposed Him (i.e., Jesus) and the things He was saying as being just like their father. Therefore, to knowingly involve yourself in lies, even lies about a president you didn’t vote for and currently dislike, is to expose yourself as a member of the Serpent’s brood, unless of course you’ve simply been deluded by the waves of fake news that currently wash over the world from the media which soaks into our social media. It’s better to be killed for truth than to live for a lie. Just ask Jesus. 

In order to keep it honest, the checks and balances for government are the three equal branches of the judicial, the legislative, and the executive. Donald Trump is part of the executive branch. You can’t have one branch of government trying to saw off one of the other branches as we see happening with the “impeach Trump” movement that has been going on since he began running for the presidency! What happens when one of the other branches tells lies about you, such as Trump is an illegitimate president, and that he colluded with the Russians to win the election, and that he bribed the Ukrainians so that he could get the dirt on the Biden’s dealings with Ukraine? They would try to convince you that Trump is a liar, a grifter, an Islamaphobe, Misogynist, Racist, and all the rest of the slanderous name calling of the Left. All of this has been propagated by Democrat candidates for president, and also Congressman Senator Adam the boy who cried wolf Schiff who claimed to have irrefutable evidence of these and other such like impeachable things. However, you would only believe Schiff if you had your hate goggles on.

If you want to go ahead anyway and remove Trump from office at any cost and regardless of the truth, then please remember what you are dealing in and who you are dealing with. Trump Derangement Syndrome comes with a cost. Be careful.  “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul” Mark 8:36.

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