Saturday, August 3, 2019


Écoute! The last swish of the guillotine will be heard and the Progressives’ Revolution complete when the wanton West capitulates to the decimal week. It’s far easier to count in tens rather than sevens, so why not? Non? It has been tried before, and, like Halley’s Comet, or the moon on its cycle (with French onions hanging from its handlebars!), is sure to return. But that’s the point, isn’t it? The claire de lune only disappears for three days as part of its four quarters of seven days in its monthly waxing and waning. It generally works for menstruation cycles too. Isn’t a ten day week therefore doomed to failure because it goes against nature and nature’s God?

But for now, gaudy goddess “lady” reason sits spreadeagled on her throne in the parlour window, aloof as her voyeuristic paramours and suitors bask in her red light 24/7.
While all along the busy promenade Leftist Westerners with cones extended patiently queue up outside the abode of the femme à la maison, dreaming of ice-cream with chocalat drizzle from madame nom de guerre. Alas and verily! Pleasure, even sinful pleasure, is always short-lived. For, ice-cream melts ever so quickly in the midday sun. So do ungodly utopian dreams.
Empires rise and fall, but Christ’s Kingdom is forever. Like 24/7, a ten day week is simply shorthand for “there is no rest for the wicked” (see eg, Isaiah 48:22; 57:20). It is rebellion against God and His Anointed (see e.g., Psalm 2). A decimalised week would remove the day of rest and would remove a major signpost pointing to the One in whom we rest, i.e, Christ our Sabbath. “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” I rest my case.

Who’s talking about introducing and replacing our seven day week for a ten day one? No one to my knowledge. But let’s keep it that way.

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