Wednesday, February 6, 2019



There are two ways of conducting science, i.e., with God or without God. Those who do science with God deal with mind and matter. Those without deal only with matter, which they call the physical or material world. To them the mind is not any sort of immaterial essence, but simply another name for the brain in which a series of chemical reactions take place which they call thoughts.

Duck Bay, Loch Lomond
To the Christian, a human being is a creature that God has created in His own image. To the Materialist we are the result of blind forces called Natural Selection or Survival of the Fittest otherwise known as The Theory of Evolution. Some consider Science and Evolution interchangeable. However, given honest thought, anyone can see that Evolution is not science but is instead philosophy. It is a worldview.

John Calvin and Charles Darwin had two completely different worldviews. The worldview of the former was based on the revelation of God and that of the latter was based on the speculation of man. Rejecting the revelation of God in Scripture left Darwin with no option other than to speculate about what he saw in creation. Thus he came up with his Theory of Evolution – which theory is promulgated in his best-selling book The Origin of Species. Ashley Montagu says, ‘Next to the Bible no work has been quite as influential, in virtually every aspect of human thought, as The Origin of Species.’ There you have it, two books in strict competition. One is revelation from the Creator, and the other is speculation by a creature about other creatures the Creator has made. One is Biblical and the other is Materialist. But which sees creation more clearly: Calvin with the spectacles of Scripture on or Darwin with the spectacles off?

It all begins in the mind, or, as those who try to do science without God would have it, it all begins in the brain. Whether the law of physics, chemistry, biology, logic, economy, linguistics, ethics, morals etc., each presupposes a Law-giver. Even the Law of the Jungle, i.e., Evolutionism, presupposes a Law-giver! Whereas the Christian presupposes the Creator God, the Evolutionist, lest the Almighty get a foot in the door, presupposes blind forces, i.e., time, chance, and matter. It is the difference between doing science in the laboratory with the lights on or having the lights off. On account of inherent laws, both competing parties can conduct empirical experiments, weighing, measuring, mixing, balancing, observing, dissecting, and both can predict the same end results. However, the Christian sees actual order in these things, while the Materialist sees only “apparent” order, i.e., design. E.g., ‘We live on a planet where we are surrounded by perhaps ten million species, each one of which independently displays a powerful illusion of apparent design.’ (Dawkins). It’s hard to see how one can actually conduct any scientific study of anything in creation if one must presuppose beforehand that any perceived design is a ‘powerful illusion’. Why do this to oneself? Oh, yes, any design in creation would presuppose a designer, i.e., THE Designer!

To the open-minded, all science must begin with, ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’ Otherwise, you’re acting as blindly as the blind-forces you believe in (Psalm 135:18). ‘If the blind leads the blind, both will fall into the ditch.’ Matthew 15:14b.

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