A groovy kind of love
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Speaking of which, we heard things like, “you sound like the
needle’s stuck” or “you’re sounding like a broken record.” Sometimes the problem
was with the record, maybe a dent in the vinyl causing the needle to jump
grooves. However, sometimes the trouble was with a defective or worn-out needle.
If we were to view the human heart as the needle, and the groove in the vinyl
record as our life from beginning to end, surely, we would conclude that there
is something wrong with our hearts or with the world or with both!
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The heart/needle has the five senses with which to pick up the information from creation and has those fifteen irreducible “modes of meaning” [Herman Dooyeweerd] with which to make sense of it. However, the question is: By what standard? How do you know if all the equipment is operating in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions as per the manual? Perhaps you’ve been messing around by playing things at the wrong speed? Backwards? Has your needle been damaged? As a stylus is a dust and fluff magnet, so the heart is a magnet for sin (Job 5:7).
Though dwelling for a time on the same planet together, the
Christian and the non-Christian have antithetical views of creation. The
former, because he/she is born of “the water and the Spirit” (John 3:5),
can see the kingdom of God. The latter cannot. The former, as Jesus says, is to
first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be
added to you” (Mat. 6:33). The things that shall be added are the
basic things the non-Christians are seeking, such as food, drink, and clothing etc.
– life’s necessities.
So, though, as we see, Christians and non-Christians share
many things in common while living together on Earth, only the former has been
given a new heart/needle. Only the Christian is able to obey the command to be
about the business of “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts
itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to
the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5).
The difference between the Christian and the non-Christian is
that the former seeks to understand and apply the knowledge of God by taking
every thought captive to Christ, while the latter “suppress[es] the truth in
unrighteousness” (Rom. 1:18b). However, though the Christian has been given
a new heart (Heb. 10:16), a residue of sin remains. Therefore, we must
constantly keep on checking that we are operating according to the
Manufacturer’s instructions. This is where the checks and balances of sphere
sovereignty helps. Are we making an idol out of any or all of the fifteen law
spheres? Are we involving ourselves in bibliolatry? Are we worshipping theology
instead of God?
Darkness and light are antithetical. Like one who has lost
their sense of seeing, the non-Christian operates in darkness and under its
power. The Christian has been rescued. “He has delivered us from the
power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the
Son of His love” (Col. 1:13). If we are to speak of two kingdoms, they are
these: the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of Light.
The songs of “the kingdom
of the Son of His love” cannot be fully appreciated unless and until the
Manufacturer by His grace gives us a new heart.