The Bible is no stranger to paradox. Indeed, some base their unbelief in God on what they believe to be contradictions in the Bible! How can anyone believe in God if the Bible (that is supposed to tell you about God) is full of contradictions? Quite! If ‘All Scripture is God breathed’ (2 Timothy 3:16a) and is ‘truth’ (John 17:17) then one has a right to expect the Bible to pass the ‘non-contradiction’ test. This is where the word ‘paradox’ comes in. In the following we shall touch on three ‘apparent contradictions’ found in the Bible.When I wore a younger man's clothes
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
THE COVENANT: Simple yet Profound : McKinlay, Neil Cullan: Books
Let us remember that God’s covenant of redemption in eternity past was revealed to us progressively. First, partially in the covenant of works. Then fully the covenant of grace. Redemption, works, grace, in that order. matching the order of the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father proposes redemption in eternity, the Son procures redemption on the cross, and the Spirit applies the grace of this redemption those chosen by the Father to be the Son’s bride. Now, with this in mind, think of the moral, ceremonial, and civil law in the Mosaic administration of the covenant of grace.
know that the Ten Commandments reveal the character of God. The first four of
which were administered by the priests, and the last six by the kings. The
prophets were to remind Israel of the blessings and curses that would come from
obedience or disobedience to the covenant law. Thus, prophets, priests, and
kings. This also is revelation of God who is triune. Thus, under the Mosaic administration
of the covenant of grace Israel had its legislative, executive, and judicial branches of
government, reflecting and progressively revealing the character of God.
the first four commandments pertain to redemption found in God (the Father).
The last six how that redemption is accomplished by God (the Son). And all Ten
Commandments (which are incomplete without the inclusion of the important preamble)
reveals that that redemption is graciously given by God (the Spirit). Thus, the
covenants of redemption, works, are revealed in the covenant of grace, even in its
Mosaic administration. Progressive revelation.
prophet reflects the Father by pointing to God’s legislation, i.e., the
covenant law. The king reflects the Son by enforcing that legislation as
executor. And the priest reflects the Spirit judicially interceding (see e.g., John
16:8) on behalf of those who have broken the covenant and pointing to the God
who forgives by grace alone. Thus, the Mosaic covenant by its legislative,
executive, and judicial branches of administration, reveals the promised
prophet, priest, and king to come, i.e., Christ Jesus, who is the complete
revelation of the triune God (Col. 2:9; Heb. 1:3).
Mosaic covenant, as in the Old Testament application of the two tables of the
law, (the first table in the ceremonial law and the second in the civil law), was
to be done away with by Christ fulfilling the roles as Prophet, Priest, and
King in His life, death, resurrection, ascension, and session at the right hand
of His Father. The Mosaic covenant is now fulfilled in and by Christ.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Each year Christmas is assailed with some wanting to cover it with more tinsel and others wishing to remove it altogether. Either way, the message of Christmas gets obscured.
Christmas with Christ is a reminder that Christ is at the heart of Christmas. The Creator of the sun, the moon, and all the stars entered His creation as a little baby beneath a bright star in a stable at Bethlehem. Shepherds witnessed. Wisemen worshiped. Because of its immensity, over 2,000 years later God's Christmas gift to the world is still being unwrapped. This book helps to further reveal Christ.